Personal Injury Attorney

Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic Injuries

Long-term or permanent disability or disfigurements characterize catastrophic injuries. Though there is no exact definition, catastrophic injuries usually describe bodily harm that may require several surgeries; often resulting in a lengthy rehabilitation process, and at times continued life-long care. Individuals suffering from a catastrophic injury are usually unable to return to their previous occupation or job. Frequently, severe and devastating trauma is due to an accident caused by a negligent individual or company. When someone’s negligent actions cause you harm, you may be entitled to compensation. If an accident, such as a motorcycle or auto accident, has drastically altered your quality of life, you may have suffered a catastrophic injury. If you are no longer able to work and your prospects of working in the future are diminished, you may have suffered a catastrophic injury and may be entitled to compensation.


  • Severe burns

  • Severe eye injuries

  • Dismemberment or amputation (loss of limb)

  • Head and neck injuries

  • Spinal cord injuries (tetraplegia and paraplegia)

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

  • Neurological damage

  • Chronic or terminal medical conditions

  • Wrongful death